
Saturday, January 15, 2011

To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool

That is my question. It's really not one that I'll be able to answer right now, either, which is driving me crazy. I hate not making decisions about as much as Kent hates making them. There are just so many variables and I have yet to get a real feeling for what we should do one way or another. Honestly, I'm wanting more of Kent's input, but he (rightly) wants to put the decision off until Abigail is older. I know this is really the best option because so much can change in the next two and a half years before she can start kindergarten, but it's so hard to wait! In the mean time I can at least busy myself with doing our homeschooling stuff now (I bought some fun 3-5 year old stuff!) and just try to enjoy without worrying about the future. Would be nice if it were that easy, wouldn't it?

Until that time, I'll just continue to document the uncertainty here. If you get tired of my vacillating, just skip that particular post...I'll try to stick more to information than whining about the future, but no promises, lol!

On that note, I'm going to go work on my plan for the new week so I know what activities we'll be doing, which books we'll be reading, and how I'm going to attempt to keep Nathan busy while we do this :). I might try to lay out the different options/websites I'm looking at later, but sometimes the overwhelming amount of info makes me even more frazzled about what to do. On the other hand, it might help me to get things laid out so I can examine and evaluate more clearly. Oh well, thoughts for another time...


Brenners said...

When I'm itching to get to a decision and, for some reason or other, cannot, I like to just stop and realize that there is already a decision made for the moment. For example, I may not be able to know right now if we will be able to move next year and that kills me. But I do know that RIGHT NOW, the decision is that I live here. So I live my life as if I live in this house, not as if I wish I lived somewhere else.

So, I guess you do have a decision already made for you for the next 2ish years... you're homeschooling. Have fun. :)

Serenity said...

That's true, and it's not like I don't have enough to keep me busy, without constantly worrying about a problem I can't solve! :) I am thoroughly chastened (in a good way). Thank you for your wise advice! I'll do my best to implement it and let go of the worries I just can't solve (note to self: revisit Matt. 6:34, lol).

Kaylyn said...

We officially just made the decision to homeschool! I am super excited about it, if you ever have more questions about wh ywe did, let me know!